Newest Invention of an Artificially Intelligent Robot “Chappie” (Movie)


Top trending topics for technology! The newest film “Chappie” features an artificially intelligent robot that becomes a hero and learns to navigate the living style of humans.

“Chappie” is under the direction of Neil Blomkamp who directed the hit movies like District 9 and Elysium and the film take place in the South African City of Johannesburg. In the movie; it was a speculative present when the city has deployed a force of Police Robots to fight for crimes.


Chappie is one of the police robots and receives an upgrade that makes him strong and knows all the humans movements. The film was open in United States on Friday March 6 ,2015. Niel Blomkamp said during the interview, “I’m not actually sure that humans are going to be capable of giving birth to AI in the way that films fictionalize it,” he said in a news conference”.

He added, “We definitely have had major aspects of systems like Chappie already existence for quite a while”.

Chappie is real that describe as Existing AI computer systems modeled on the human brain, known as artificial neural networks, are capable of learning from experience, just like Chappie does in the film.

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