Chinese Man Mr. Li Catches 1-Year-old Baby Falling from the 2nd-Floor Window in China (VIDEO)


A Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) caught a man catching a 1-year-old baby boy falling from a 2nd-floor story window in an apartment building during a rainstorm day in the town of Xiaolan Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China.

Chinese ManAccording to the report quoting the testimony from a vendor living opposite side of the building, it says that while heavy rain was pouring out that day the child from the second floor of the apartment climbed up to the window to escape in order to look for his mother.

The two local men in action as seen in the CCTV were identified Mr. Li and Mr. Hu who rushed to the rescue of the child. The video footage shows how the two men in a readily position with their arms out waiting for the fall of the child. When the small child was fallen, the men was successfully catching the little boy.

Baby Fall

“I didn’t think too much at the time. I was just afraid of failing to catch him. Some people put down cardboard to avoid serious injuries to the baby if I failed to catch him,” Li said.

“It was nothing but human instinct to do so,” Hu added.

If you have not watch the video yet, scroll down you mouse and watch it here below:

[youtube width=”525″ height=”444″][/youtube]


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