Irish actor Liam John Neeson impersonates Manny Pacquiao during his recent guesting on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

Liam John Neeson, 61-year-old actor started raising the banner of success in showbiz career in 1993 after his acclaimed starring role in Steven Spielberg’s Oscar winner Schindler’s List. Neeson becomes more popular after the hit of his best movie ever “Taken” in 2008.
In this video below, Neeson is seen impersonating the Filipino boxing idol Manny Pacquiao. Neeson is the man behind the upcoming documentary movie “Manny” as the narrator.
When asked what he can say about the Filipino boxer, he replied saying: “He is one of the greatest men in the history of boxing.”
Neeson has acknowledged the kindness of the Filipino boxing champion after he received footage from Manny Pacquiao thanking him for being the narrating gig. Neeson also added that he was so proud of Manny Pacquiao saying: “I’m showing it to everybody.”
Watch here below Liam Neeson impersonating Manny Pacquiao.