The new born baby died in Bantayan District Hospital under the supervision of the alleged attending physician, Dr. Melben Jochico who is blamed by the parents for the untimely death of the new born baby.
Edwin Chavez, brother of Arnulfo Chavez the father of the dead baby told that Salvacion Lomarda-Chavez the wife of Arnulfo went to the Hospital of Bantayan Island with her husband to give birth of the baby.
Upon arrival to the hospital the baby was already delivered, and the medical team assisted the mother and the baby.
According to Edwin the baby is premature but healthy during his visit in the hospital. The following day one of his niece informed him that the baby was dead. He was completely in shocked and rushed to the hospital to know what was happening why the baby who was healthy during his visit a day before but suddenly is dead.
Edwin asked his sister-in-law and she told him that before the baby died the couple attempted to call the attending physician to be at present because the baby was restless and uneasy. They even took the baby to the nurse station but they just said to bring the baby back to the recovery room and that they will just go there to check the baby.

Photo Credit: Bantayan District Hospital Facebook Page
Edwin said that his brother and wife both waited in the recovery room for quite several hours until they say that the baby spew blood and that’s when his brother shattered to call the doctor again.
The doctor and so the nurses came but it was too late coz the baby is already dead and u know what they just said to my brother? They said, “I told u to bring the child to us” (I don’t know where is that “to us”). You see that’s terrible!, explained Edwin.
Edwin went to talk to the doctor to get their side. But before doing that, he made sure to get the live birth and so the death certificate of the baby.
The actual conversation of Edwin and the Doctor [follow the link below to watch or hear the recorded conversation] was recorded and uploaded by Wilbur B. Bacon and give title (Scandal of Dr. Melben Jochico in Bantayan Island Hospital) on December 9, 2013 to his Facebook account that went viral with 278 shares in Facebook alone.
The baby was born on December 1 and died December 3. Edwin said if the Doctor made immediate recommendation to transfer the baby to one of Cebu City hospitals it maybe still alive today.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnulfo Chavez are living in Brgy. Marikaban, Sta. Fe, Bantayan, Cebu.
Various reactions from the netizens posted after the video. Most of the people who have commented regarding the conversation of Edwin Chavez and Dr. Melben Jochico the alleged attending physician of the baby are Cebuano speaking people.
Some of the comments are calling the attention of the Bantayan government officials to see to it and take necessary actions to the untoward incidents to prevent from happening again.
Noted from the comments of Mark Villacastin says, “Maron nga doctor sa Bantayan Island na pag ginamot ka mamamatay ka eh! at usapan binili lang yung license nya sa Quiapo!”
Follow the link to watch or hear the video conversation here below…
Some of the comments are calling the attention of the Bantayan government officials to see to it and take give actions to to the untoward
Below are the screenshots image of the comments from Facebook below the video conversation.
What do you think about the allegation to Dr. Melben Jochico? If you have any comments regarding the issue you can post your opinion to the space provided below.