Watch! Jessa Jessa Zaragoza’s daughter, Jayda Belted Out Ariana Grande’s Hit Songs!
Jessa Zaragoza’s daughter Jayda Zaragoza-Avanzado belted out Ariana Grande most hit song “Tattoed Heart”! It was during Jessa Zaragosa’s concert ...

Flight Attendants Required To Take Psychological Testing Before Acquiring Professional License
The new rule will be impemented due to the recent announcement given by the The Civil Aviation Authority of the ...

Why is it Coco Martin Was Very Successful?
Coco Martin is one of the most and valuable actor of today’s generation. But what makes Coco’s success?. He shared ...

Watch! Steve Harvey’s Reaction In An Interview With Miss Universe 1st runner-up Ariadna Gutierrez
Finally! The Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez reconciled with Steve Harvey! Just this week, face to face the two met on ...

Read: Alan Rickman’s Goodbye Letter Written Way Back 2011
One thing that Harry Potter fans can’t get over and a very hurtful flashbacks happened on Friday with the memory ...