Who would ever think that a compilation of unknown skeletons of a fairies, werewolves and aliens could be found in a basement of an old house in London? A lot of scientists are still in search of any evidence that belongs to mythical creatures.
It appears to be a macabre collection of a mythical beast, in jars and cases in gruesome gestures.
Those skeletons with wings seen with their rotted flesh with their wings nailed to boards are accompanied by contorted alien beings and remains of a hairy humanoid.
A gruesome collection were said to have been belong to Thomas Theodore Merrilyn, known as “a rich aristocrat and a biologist in the 1800’s.”
At the time they clearing the site in London in 1960’s for construction of a new residential houses, an old mansion that belongs to Thomas Theodore Merrilyn were set for demolition.
A witness said “In the basement of the home, there are several thousands of small wooden boxes are tightly sealed.
They were shocked when they opened some of the boxes that those mythical creatures only live on fairy tales.
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