Gerald Anderson Reacts On “Womanizer” Issue Thrown To Him


Actor Gerald Anderson reacted on the issue of being a womanizer, he admits he was hurt on the rumors because he was engage in different stars like Kim Chiu, Bea Alonzo and Sarah Geromino


“Womanizer” is a term given to a person who is a fan of going into relationship with different woman.

In an exclusive interview, he has nothing to do on the negative comments thrown against him and multiple bashing from the netizens on the internet; he urged that he is not affected with those issues and clarified that but despite of those strong words he released, still he admits that he is not a machine that sometimes could bear those negative comments tag to him.

“Siyempre hindi naman po ako robot, hindi ba? Artista ako, tao pa rin ang artista,” he said.

But he clarified he will handle the situation professionally and take those harsh side comments as a man

Meanwhile the actor is asked with regards to an upcoming reunion project with Kim Chui, he noted as a matter of fact they are now doing an endorsement and hopefully added maybe if the perfect time will come so be it. Anderson will be happy to do a project with Chui if this could make their fans happy.


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