Bianca Manalo’s message to Rob Gomez “He’s Not Here”


In a swift response, netizens demonstrated their rapid reflexes by preserving the now-deleted screenshots capturing the purported messages exchanged between Senator Win Gatchalian’s girlfriend, Bianca Manalo, and Rob Gomez. The screenshots, which have since been removed from Gomez’s social media account, sparked intrigue and speculation within online communities. As social media users widely circulated these snapshots, discussions, and debates unfolded regarding the nature of the messages and the potential implications for the individuals involved.

The screenshots, initially shared on Gomez’s social media, added a layer of complexity to the situation. Rob Gomez promptly addressed the issue by releasing a statement, asserting that his phone had been “taken and used” without his consent. This revelation raised questions about the privacy and security of individuals in the digital age, emphasizing the need for heightened awareness and caution in handling personal devices. As the online community continued to dissect and analyze the unfolding events, the incident underscored the challenges and risks associated with the intersection of personal communication and the vast reach of social media platforms.

Rob Gomez And Herlene Budol “KAINAN” Goes Viral

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