Gerald Anderson and Julia Barretto are rumored to have broken up, but despite this, they were just caught together.

Julia removed the majority of the images she had with Gerald on Instagram, which led some online users to assume that their relationship had ended.
The accusations against these three celebrities, however, were denied by their followers and fans.

A few days earlier, rumors started to circulate that Gerald and Julia’s relationship was having issues. Some others believed that they had already broken up. Even Kylie Padilla, who plays the lead in Gerald’s newest film, became engaged in this situation.

It was claimed that Kylie was currently expecting Gerald.
According to a recent article on a well-known entertainment website, a Twitter fan account provided a video of Gerald Anderson and Julia Barretto, proving their relationship even in the midst of the supposed separation.

According to the post’s description, on Sunday, August 21, Gerald and Julia were seen together in Subic.