Doctors and health professionals are still in search for the cure to the current deadly disease, COVID-19, all over the world. However, this one particular person claims that she has already found a cure to this pandemic. Who is she?
Dr. Stella Immanuel is a doctor from Houston who claims to have cured the biggest problem in the world today, COVID-19. She also claimed that she had cured 350 COVID patients already.

A Twitter user named Joseph Flynn tweeted about how Dr. Stella is a warrior for the truth about hydroxychloroquine is a potential cure for COVID-19.
This tweet was shared by nearly 600,000 users after Twitter took it down saying that it promotes misinformation. “If some fake science comes out and says we’ve done studies and they found out that it doesn’t work, I can tell you categorically it’s fake science,” Dr. Stella said as she was defending her stand.
“I want to know who’s conducted that study and who’s behind it. Because there is no way I have treat 350 patients and counting and nobody is dead.” she added.
Dr. Stella became viral on Twitter after President Donald Trump retweeted Joseph’s tweet, as he seems impressed by her findings.
On Trump’s press conference he said, “They were big fans of hydroxychloroquine. And I thought she was very impressive in the sense that from where she came – I don’t know which country she comes from – but she says she’s had tremendous success with hundreds of different patients and I thought her voice was an important voice but I know nothing about her.” when he was asked about the hydroxychloroquine findings.

“The hydroxychloroquine coupled with the z-pack. And some some people think it’s become political. I took it for a 14-day period. And I’m here. I think it works in the early stages. I think front line medical people believe that too. Some. Many. So we’ll take a look at it.”
Trump also revealed that he was in a two week course of the drug as part of a regime to combat the coronavirus. .
“The one thing we know. It’s been out for a long time, that particular formula and that’s essentially what it is, the pill, and it’s been for malaria, lupus and other things,”
“It’s safe. It doesn’t cause problems. I had no problem. I had absolutely no problem. Felt no different. Didn’t feel good, bad or indifferent.”
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Dr. Stella was borin in Cameroon and completed her medical training in Nigeria. Dr. Stella also runs a medical clinic in Houston out of a strip mall next to her church, Firepower Ministries.
She previously worked as a doctor in Nigeria and calls herself a ‘Deliverance Minister’ who is ‘God’s battle axe and weapon of war.’