DOH (Department of Health) update COVID-19 total of 6,087 number of cases with 516 recoveries and 397 deaths as of April 18, 2020 (Saturday).
The number of COVID-19 infections is still rising due to mass testings and tight campaigns of the government to flatten the curve of virus disease.
Meanwhile the epicenter of the infection here in the country is in Luzon which they are now in enchance community quarantine and other badly hit city is now on lockdown especially the selected barangay in Quezon City.
As of now, it is advised to the public to cooperate and do not be hard-headed because you are not helping but an additional problem, please stay on your respective houses and maintain a healthy body to fight the disease.
Now the cure or antibody is not yet discovered and experts predict this will be available the next year 2021, which is alarming.
The Philippines still tops the number of cases compared to other ASEAN countries seconded by Indonesia.