Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson issued Executive Order (EO) No. 20-20-B which is allowing the tricycles and trisikads to operate, provided the tricycles will have a limit of 3 passengers plus a driver and the trisikads will be allowed to have only 1 passenger. Subject to the devised scheme of the Traffic Management Authorities of the Local Government Units, 50% of franchises for the said transport sector will be allowed to operate daily.
Public Utility Vehicles still will not be allowed.
According to the Executive Order (EO) No. 20-20-B, the private and public construction firms will be allowed to resume their projects and their workers will be included among the Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APOR) thus be allowed to pass through the Quarantine Control Points (QCPs).

Likewise, hardware stores will be considered essential and be permitted to conduct business. The administrative staff of public and private schools in the province is directed to resume their work maintaining a skeletal workforce of 50% of the regular employees.
Recently, As of 4 PM today, April 18, 2020, the Department of Health reports 209 new cases (PH5879-PH6087) of COVID-19. The total number of cases in the country is now at 6,087. DOH also announce 29 new recoveries. This brings the total number of recoveries to 516.
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