PHILIPPINES, DOH (Department Of Health) released update of COVID-19 with recorded a 4,195 total cases with 221 deaths and 140 recoveries.
The infection is still rising despite governments efforts to lessen the victims of this deadly virus.

Due to this rising numbers of victims the national government issued extension of a enhance community quarantine to April 30.
DOH: 152 Doctors and 63 Nurses Positive for COVID-19 in the Philippines
Sec. Duque recently stated that if this will continue the problem might get worst and due to lack of medical facilities like ventilators and health workers as a matter of fact, almost 152 doctors test positive of COVID-19 which is considered a great loss on fighting this war were our enemies in unseen.
There are some reports that there are still citizens who violates law by going out despite there is a law that no one can go out unless you have your quarantine pass and even reports that front liners are violently maltreated by undisciplined people in country.
This battle cannot be solve if the people will not cooperate and understand that this is a serious crisis or else they will face their demise.