DOH (Department Of Health) recently confirmed that 152 “Doctors and 63 Nurses” tested positive for COVID-19 this April 8, 2020, in the Philippines.
This news really cripples the set of front liners who strongly fights against the virus by risking their lives and by taking care of the patients.

Almost 12 health workers fall against the virus and many more are isolated due to mandatory quarantine who are in contact with recently confirmed COVID-19 patient.
Data also shows that 12 doctors died due to COVID-19. Those are medical specialist on their fields and considered modern day hero.
To protect the welfare of medical professionals and health workers, the Department of Health (DOH) does not disclosed their names.
Meanwhile this is the first time DOH released a number of health workers who were tested positive and isolated due to corona virus infection.
Because of the alarming numbers, the DOH procure more PPE gears to ensure the safety of doctors and nurses while doing their work and expected to arrived in the third week of the month.
Help protect our front liners by staying at home, follow the mandates of the government, wear a face mask when you go out and maintain a good clean hand washing habit with proper social distancing to avoid the rise up of COVID-19 patients.
As of the whole Luzon enhanced community quarantine is extended to April 30 and Pres. Duterte urges to the public to stay calm because the government can sustain the people’s needs what they had to do is cooperate and discipline themselves to ease the burden of the front lines risking their lives to fight the disease.
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