BREAKING NEWS NBA player Kevin Durant positive of COVID-19.
According to sources he is one of the four NBA players newly test positive of coronavirus infection.

Durant qouted”
“Everyone be careful, take care of yourself and quarantine,” Durant said. “We’re going to get through this”
The NBA player ask everyone to take care and quarantine yourself by not leaving your homes, also observe social distancing.
Durant is a player of New Jersey Nets.
It is also remembered that Utah Jazz player Robert Gubert was also positive of the virus and now on quarantine, as an update the player is now slowly recovering.
WHO is now racing against time to formulate a cure to stop the rampage of the virus, some reports that they had formulated a vaccine and already on the first phase of trials but sadly the vaccine will undergo more screening to ensure it is safety for public use, it will take time preferably 18 months or 1 year.
The vaccine has a name “mRNA1273” also tested to some adult patients with the age range from 20 to 50, the results are good so far and hopefully it will continue to develop and consume small time to be available in the market for use.
COVID 19 is now a global pandemic and can so fast than you can never imagine.
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