MANILA DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) issued a prize freeze due to COVID19 outbreak Wednesday March 11, 2020.
The department compels establishments not to change the price of basic goods and other commodities.

Price freeze will start to effect 60 days prior to President Duterte declaration of State Of Public Health Emergency last week.
This declaration will stop the price and to control abusive
merchandisers to hoard basic goods and sell it on a high price.
If caught DTI will sanction a certain penalty to those store owners and other establishments and if they will continue their wrong doing the agency will cancel their permit and will issue a foreclosure order.
Meanwhile the country is now on watch for the update of COVID19 and its affected areas and the whereabouts of the people who are in contact with patients infected.
As of now we are under DOH CODE RED, which is a serious reason to take care of ourselves to get away from the harm of the virus.