PRC recently announced to cancel the selected licensure exam due to COVID19 this is to ensure public safety and avoid being infected by coronavirus.
This is inline to the national governent declaration of State of the Public Health Emergency and also a, recommendation from the DOH to stop making events which needs mass participation in a specific area.
* Qualifying Assessment for Foreign Medical Professionals (March 19, 2020)
* Physician Licensure Examination (March 15-16, 2020)
* Medical Technologists Licensure Examination (March 18-19, 2020)
* Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (March 29, 2020)
* Licensure Examination for Electronic Engineers and Electronic Technicians (April1-3, 2020)
* Licensure Examination for Midwives (April 5-6, 2020)
* Licensure Examination for Registered Electrical Engineers and Registered Master Electricians (April 14-16, 2020)
* Licensure Examination for Pharmacists (April 26-27, 2020)
According to PRC they will announced the revised schedule as soon as the situation becomes stable and controllable.
COVID19 really makes a big impact to the world which causes mass scares and panic.
Recently reported Italy is now on total lockdown wherein it is the city that suffers greatly from the virus outside China also South Korea and Japan.
This virus is very lethal specifically to the elderly ones which their immune system is weak and can be targeted instantly.
As of now the Philippines has 46 reported confirmed cases of COVID19 and many more are monitored with a mandatory 14 days quarantine to ensure that they are infected or not.
Meanwhile as DOH advised to maintain a clean handwashing habit always that is the best way to get way from the virus.
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