After positive of COVID-19 NBA player Rudy Gobert gives details on his current condition during medication against the virus.

Gobert tweeted “Just to give you guys an update, loss of smell and taste is definitely one of the symptoms, haven’t been able to smell anything for the last 4 days. Anyone experiencing the same thing?
The player relates what he is experiencing now, wherein he lost his sense of smell and taste for the last 4 days after testing positive of the virus.
It is remembered that Gobert acquired COVID-19 last March 11 which lead to Thunder vs Jazz game postponement.
The NBA player named as one of the defensive player in the league and as of now he is feeling better and recovering.
Meanwhile some NBA players also test positive of the virus.
As of now the infected is still rising around the world and the death toll is also increasing in number, but there is still hope wherein people under treatment had also in the recovery stage.
It is better to stay at home and avoid crowded places to ensure that you are safe and your family as well.
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