Watch the Livestream video by the White House Updates of Coronavirus Task Force briefing (11:30 a.m. ET):
Federal Government is working very well with the Governors and State officials. Good things will happen, said by President Donald Trump.
Cuomo wants “all states to be treated the same.” But all states aren’t the same. Some are being hit hard by the Chinese Virus, some are being hit practically not at all. New York is a very big “hotspot”, West Virginia has, thus far, zero cases. Andrew, keep politics out of it, the Trump added.
As of March 17, 2020 (11:16 P.M. Philippine Time), the latest update of Coronavirus Worldwide, more than 189,669 people have been infected and over 7,513 have died worldwide from the novel coronavirus, have reached some 80 countries and territories. There are 80,874 recovered from the epidemic disease.
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