Due to COVID-19 outbreak that kills 600 people in just a day, Italy now sends distress call for help wherein it is the most hit by the virus outside China.
As a response Cuba send doctors and nurses as an answer to the call and recently arrived Malpensa airport as an additional support group to fight the virus.

Report revealed last Sunday that the virus killed 13,000 with more than 300,000 in the world.
Just for Italy only the nation now caters 28, 370 positive COVID-19 patients and 4,825 reported death.
Last weeks the Prime Minister of Italy ordered the total nations lockdown and quoted “There Is No Time”.
The said virus originated in Wuhan, China almost kills many people inside the city and also considered the ground zero of COVID-19.
Experts advised to avoid in contact with the virus it is recommended to stay at home, do not go out to public places and maintain a good clean hand washing habit.
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