BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) recently announces the extension of filing annual income tax supposedly the deadline will be on April 15, 2020 but it is to May 15, 2020 due to underlying conditions and the threat of COVID-19.
But taxpayers could still pay their taxes on authorized banks and other collecting agencies; they can also go to the nearest Revenue collection officers and Revenue District office.

The said memorandum is signed by BIR commissioner Cesar Dulay.
Philippines now is still on the status of State of Calamity as declared by President Duterte due to COVID-19 and as an update Metro Manila is still on lock down which means the movement of the people inside the cities is strictly monitored by the uniformed personnel and if possible all people shall stay at home.
All establishments are closed except for supermarkets, medical labs, pharmacies, bakeries and other establishments that sells basic necessities needed by the public during the quarantine time period.
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