Netizens not agree on Simon Cowell judging on Marcelito Pomoy’s performance on “America’s Got Talent: The Champions” Finals. Cowel seems not impressed on Pomoy’s performance as he stated, ““You are a very nice, very talented guy, I gotta tell you. You really, really are – and this is even better than the last performance you did. Much, much better! However, if it was my choice, on a night like this, I would have done something less predictable.”

Simon Cowell fellow judges Alesha interrupted, “, “How was that predictable???”
Simon Answer, “The songs he’s chosen. The very safe, the kind of, you know… I get it they are popular songs but I just think that tonight if he had done something out of his comfort zone, like a shock to everybody. Like “My God he’s chosen this song!” That would have given you another moment because I think you’ve got a massive career in front of you. I really, really do!”
Marcelito fans are on rage on Simon Cowell in social networking sites such as Twitter. You can also watch the full video performance of Marcelito Pomoy:
Marcelito Pomoy got a standing ovation from judges Howie, Alesha and Heidi Klum.
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