Watch here the free live streaming of PCSO Lotto Draw 4 PM on Monday, December 16, 2019. PCSO is a government agency which is responsible for raising and providing funds intended for health programs, medical assistance and services, and charities of national character.
Watch the full livestream below: (Courtesy video by PTV)
PCSO Lotto Draw Schedule:

It‘s airs daily Monday to Sunday, every 11Am, 4PM, 9PM.
Here are the games of PCSO Lotto which you can win million of prizes.
Such as 6/58 Ultra Lotto, 6/55 Grand Lotto, 6/49 Super Lotto, 6/45 Mega Lotto, 6/42 Lotto, 6-Digit, 4-Digit, Swertres, EZ2 lotto, STL Pares, STL SWER3, and STL 2-Digits play.