It is Confirm! Billy Crawford and Coleen Garcia are now officially engaged. Director Gino Santos posted a photo on Instagram where the 34-year old actor/host Billy Crawford marriage proposal to her long time girlfriend Coleen Garcia.
The director who has worked with Coleen Garcia on the box-office movies ‘Ex with Benefits’ and “Love Me Tomorrow,” who posted a photo last Tuesday night, December 20, 2016.
On the photo caption; this just happened!!! Congratulations @coleengarcia & @billyjoecrawford I love you both! #ColeenSaidYes.
See the photo below:

He also captured a photo which Coleen Garcia wear her engagement ring. And the Caption; #BiCol #ColeenSaidYes, I remember you planning this for more than a year now @billyjoecrawford! That time you called, so nervous buying that ring.

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