Thousands of Foreign Tourist Fly Home after Egypt Plane Crash


In Moscow Russia some of 11000 Russian travelers have go back from Egypt in the past 24 hours. The officials said last November 8, 2015, it was the Moscow has suspended flights to the country over the Sinai plane crash.

According to Deputy prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, over 11000 netizens has been flown out. He also said that the Russia was sending experts to inspect Egypt Airport if the security was beefed up there.

Thousands More Foreign Tourist Fly Home after Egypt Crash

It also the officials said on Saturday that nearly 80000 Russian tourist had still in Egypt mostly in Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada and they would be able to return their home at their own stride. The ministry added that the first 11-76 flight plane had already invade 30 tons of baggage to Moscow. The Kremlin was insisted the decision to suspend flights didn’t mean that Mascow believe crash was a consider a Attack.

Russia Interstate Aviation Committee,said that their experts were continuing their work at the crash site together with the representatives of Egypt,Germany, Ireland and France.

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