Netizens mixed Reaction about APEC summit 2015


Citizens have mixed views and opinion on the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC Summit hosting of the Philippines this 2015. As we all know, lot of netizens have their social media accounts just like facebook, Instagram and Twitter where they can share,comment,like & post their feelings & Reactions. This what happen on APEC summit2015, because most netizens give some wordy post on their facebook accounts which they tackle some disappointment and appreciation during APEC Summit.


The discussion started when Kenneth Manuel shared his opinion on Monday expressing dissatisfaction on Aquino government arrangement for the APEC summit and also the changes during that time. In his facebook post, he tackle the some issues and problems of our country ,why they need to feel as “second class citizens” in our own nation and Manila should deserve the best not only when foreigners come to visit.

Manuel facebook post, garnered about 15000 shares and more than 30000 likes.

Anyways, there was netizens who name Apple Jolo which she also posted a wordy reactions but in a positive side for the APEC summit 2015.

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