NO Entertainment as LP returns to Laguna


There were no sassy performing girl and dirty dance number during the gathering last October 3 as of the members of Nacionalista Party (NP) and their allies in the Liberal Party (LP)

Instead, organizers entertained the audience with wholesome song and dance numbers performed by some local artist who beats from the province.

The actors was served to be as the front act for the oath taking of new members of the NP, a politically ally of LP.


As of the visit of LP to Sta. Cruz town last week it putted lots of controversy after member of the Playgirls performed a sexy dance number during the 58th Birthday Party of Laguna Rep. Benjamin Agarao in the with the presence of minor girls who dance sassy.

Metro Manila Development Authority Chair Francis Tolention, who was then being considered as a senatorial candidate of LP-led administration coalition, allegedly send the dancers.

Tolention has apologized publicly for the incident and has withdrawn from the LP senatorial chairs.

Tolentino has apologized for the incident and has withdrawn from the LP senatorial ticket.


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