Monkey And Duck Died Together Showing The Real Meaning Of Friendship.AMAZING!


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Friends are other individual who loves you and stay to your side when you need them. This story really show what must be good friendships be? Would it last till the end like this Monkey and Duck did for each other?

This monkey and duck are best friends since birth. An unusual paired of friendships. They are living their life inseparable and together until unexpected incident happened. The monkey is playing around until he got contacted into the live wire. He asked for help because of the pain he feels. The duck tried to rescue him, until the duck also electrocuted as well. And they both died together.

Monkey & Duck


The owner couldn’t help but to cry. How this two creatures show their love and care for each other despite of their differences. It’s really showed that no matter who and what you are.

If you’d become a good friend to other people, they will help you nor risk their lives in order to save you. I hope this story serves also as an inspiration to all.

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