Top 10 Passers for September 2015 Registered Electrical Engineers (REE) Board Exam Results


Congratulations! PRC announces that 2,536 out of 3,772 Registered Electrical Engineers and 1,886 out of 2,993 Registered Master Electricians successfully passed the Electrical Engineer Licensure Examinations given by the Board of Electrical Engineering. The results was release on three (3) working days after the last day of examination.

(See Here the Complete List of Passers)

The successful examinees who garnered the ten (10) highest places in the SEPTEMBER 2015 REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Licensure Examination are the following:

Top 10 Passers REE

Professional Regulatory Board of Electrical Engineering (BEE) administered the licensure examination in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legaspi, Lucena and Zamboanga, held last September 5-6 & 7, 2015. The members of the Board of Electrical Engineering who gave the licensure examination are Engr. Jaime V. Mendoza and Engr. Francis V. Mapile.

Examinees answered the following subjects; REE test! Mathematics 25%, Engineering Sciences and Allied Subjects (30%), Electrical Engineering Professional Subjects (45%), while on RME examination, Technical Subjects (50%) and Philippine Electrical Code, Part 1 & 2 (50%).

According to PRC, the general passing average is 70% provided there is no grade below 50% in any subjects. An examinee who obtains a general average rating of 70% or above, but has a grade below 50% will be CONDITIONED, but will be allowed to re-take the next exam on the same subject.


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