Would you imagine how this guy earned $500,000.00 cold cash just by impersonating the pop female singer Britney Spears for his acts. This guy’s name is Derrick Barry his job is considered unique in the eyes of some but his sweat has paid off as he garnered an ample of cash on his profession.
Barry impersonation skills caught the attention of the British Talk Show entitled “The Morning” programmed since 1988.
During Derrick’s interview on the station, he revealed that he almost earned a half a million dollars since he started impersonating the pop female icon. He also complemented his good genetic features because it showcase a Spear like appearance and noted he does not undergone surgery just to copy the Britney appearance specifically on his face.
The male impersonator is not only famous outside or in some events he attended but also on various social media wherein he garnered 26,000 followers but not a match for the original Britney with 4.7 million followers online.
I know you are curios how this guy looks when he does not wear any make ups and customes just scroll down and you will be amazed and question how he possibly do this.